Queensryche Tickets

Queensryche Events

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QueensrycheTickets Details

Queensryche Tickets

Renowned American progressive metal band Queensryche is well-known for its thoughtful melodies and provocative lyrics. Having a more than four-decade career, the band has come to represent albums like Operation: Mindcrime and Empire. Attracted to Queensryche events for a dynamic live performance highlighting their technical ability and dramatic stage presence is a throng of fans. A Queensryche event provides a unique experience whether it's beautiful ballads or hard-hitting metal compositions. The ideal venue to guarantee your tickets to the next events of this iconic band is TixBag.An easily navigable interface lets you pick your seats, investigate performance dates, and confidently buy tickets. Prepare to see Queensryche live and enjoy both fresh material from their large repertoire and their vintage classics.

How to Buy Queensryche Tickets

1. Visit the TixBag website or open the app.

2. Search for "Queensryche " to view upcoming tours.

3. Select your preferred concert date and location.

4. Browse through available seating options.

5. Choose your preferred section, such as floor or general seating.

6. Add the tickets to your cart.

7. Complete the checkout process with your payment details.

8. Receive your tickets by email or physical delivery.

Queensryche Floor Seats

Concert Tickets The only approach to feeling the power and excitement of this great band is to have floor seats during a Queensryche event. These great tickets let you feel every note and observe every minute of their performance up close as they directly line you in front of the action. Being on the floor offers an unmatched musical experience with Queensryche's immersive stage arrangement and strong sound. From the complex guitar solos to Geoff Tate's or Todd La Torre's amazing vocals, these seats provide the greatest possible perspective of the concert.

What is the Queensryche Setlist?

1.      "Eyes of a Stranger"

2.      "Silent Lucidity"

3.      "Jet City Woman"

4.      "Operation: Mindcrime"

5.      "Empire"

6.      "I Don't Believe in Love"

7.      "Queen of the Reich"

8.      "Take Hold of the Flame"

9.      "The Mission"

10.  "Queen of the Reich"

Queensryche Tour History

1.      The Warning Tour (1984)

2.      Operation: Mindcrime Tour (1988-1990)

3.      Empire Tour (1990-1991)

4.      Promised Land Tour (1994)

5.      Operation: Mindcrime II Tour (2006)

6.      Dedicated to Chaos Tour (2011)

7.      2019 Tour

8.      2023 Tour

Other Top Pop Concert Performers

1.      Beyoncé

2.      Lady Gaga

3.      Ariana Grande

4.      Shakira

5.      Taylor Swift

6.      Madonna

7.      Justin Timberlake

8.      Rihanna

Queensryche Albums

1.      The Warning (1984)

2.      Rage for Order (1986)

3.      Operation: Mindcrime (1988)

4.      Empire (1990)

5.      Promised Land (1994)

6.      Hear in the Now Frontier (1997)

7.      Dedicated to Chaos (2011)

8.      Condition Hüman (2015)