Bruce Springsteen is a famous rock singer who is also often referred to as The Boss, and this singer is known all around the world. This performer has been on the stage since the 1970s, and he is still able to pack stadiums in 2014. The audience also expects Springsteen to deliver long concerts that comprise his extraordinary voice, great songs and energy, which sometimes span over 3 hours without intervals. Pointedly, tickets to see Bruce Springsteen in concert have always been hot sellers, which is quite understandable. Bruce Springsteen is a famous musician and the logical question would be, just how much does it cost to get tickets to this star's concert? This is a good time to take a closer look.
As the years have gone by and Bruce Springsteen has become one of the biggest stars in the world, ticket prices have continued to rise, especially after albums such as Born to Run, The River, and Born in the U.S.A." But even if you factored in inflation and considered that an average show in an arena could be had for $30-$50 in todayâ money in the seventies and early eighties. By the mid 1980 tickets to his colossal stadium tour in support of Born in the U. S. A. ranged to between $60- $80 in todayâ value.
It is apparent that ticket prices for Springsteen band experienced the largest historical increase between the early 2000s and the current time. For instance, Bruce's rising tour in 2002 was ranked as one of the most successful tours of the year, with tickets averaging $85 per show. Moving forward twelve months to Springsteen's High Hopes concert in Virginia in 2014, the ticket price was approximately $122 per ticket. He followed the same premium seat ticket pricing model for his show, The River Tour, in January 2016 and January 2017.
There are various reasons why Springsteen tickets are more expensive in this current era of touring.
Reading the two passages, one can clearly notice the differences in the structure, organization, and tone of the texts. While the first passage consists of separate paragraphs with smooth transition from one topic to another and uses an informative and more formal writing style, the second passage is divided into a few sections and has clear transitions from one section to another, and its writing style These include:
The general upward trend in ticket prices for live entertainment over the last two decades
Smaller number of overall shows and fewer total tours, as well as more of an emphasis on specific events due to the increased demand.
So how much does it cost to obtain a Bruce Springsteen ticket within the present era? Let's discuss some of the average resale market prices as seen during his last tour.
TicketIQ data further showed that the River Tour by the highly acclaimed singer, Bruce Springsteen, which was in 2016–2017, on average sold its tickets for $208. At specific venues, the average ticket price varied substantially based on typical supply and demand economics:
Staples Center, Los Angeles: It has been estimated that the cost per ticket for the Salford Quays would be about $275.
Air Canada Centre, Toronto: The average price per ticket was $211.
The floor and lower-level non-club seats, which were the most readily available, were by far the most expensive, with an average ticket price of over $400 for the areas closest to the stage. End-stage and upper deck tickets, for instance, were generally sold at more than $100 per ticket.
As of the date of publication, specific price details of Bruce's just-announced 2023 tour are not available to the public or disclosed on the official website. Nonetheless, it is possible to foresee that with average prices some $250 per ticket, it may be achievable based on the typical price and demand dynamics of the gaming industry.
Higher inflation, ticket-hungry fans who have not followed their favorite performers on tour for the past several years, and rumors that this may be one of Bruce's last major concert series can all push ticket prices up. Moreover, flexible dynamic pricing, by which the promoter sets ticket prices automatically depending on market demand, could contribute additional upside price volatility.
For more than half a century, Bruce Springsteen tickets have increased significantly in value from the initial rolled-back $20–30 which fans used to fork out in the mid 1970s. Subsidized fares were above $200 per seat on average for his last tour in the 2016–17 season. In some circumstances, it was possible to find relatively affordable tickets; however, for the best spots on the floor and in the most popular cities, the prices were often over $400 per ticket.
It is not yet clear what Bruce has said about the cost of the 2023 tour dates he recently added. But early estimates indicate that match viewers may have to part with more than $250 for a single ticket. Prominently, it captures an opportunity to tap the legendary status, the anticipation of his fans and signals that this may be one of the last tours with the singer at 73.
Of course, fans can hope to secure relative ticket deals by choosing specific dates in relatively less-demand regions, upper-tier or back-of-house seating, secondary cities, or the second night of a tour where tickets don't shift as quickly. However, as far as his musical myth, the formal performance, and the unattainable charisma, most of the spectators would hardly think any Springsteen ticket wasted money!