On The Border - The Eagles Tribute Band Tickets

On The Border - The Eagles Tribute Band Events

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On The Border - The Eagles Tribute Band Tickets Details

The On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Concert is coming to Virginia Beach on July 24th! A great way to celebrate the legendary band and their legacy, this show features live performances of all your favorite songs from the Eagles including "Take It Easy," "Peaceful Easy Feeling," "Heartache Tonight" and many more. With a high-energy performance, you'll feel like you're in an authentic Eagles concert. So Cheap Concert Tickets now for this one-of-a-kind tribute show with one of America's most beloved bands.

The On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Concert features a diverse lineup of artists including Karen Lee, Aaron Layne, and Jeff Wooten. This concert is one that you will not want to miss! It's an all-day event filled with classic tunes from The Eagles. Come see why these three musicians are some of the most talented in the Chicago music scene!

On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Ticket Prices and Tour Information

How Much Are On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Tickets?

It's not too late to buy tickets for the Eagles Tribute Concert at the Elevation 27, and you can get your tickets right here! Tickets are on sale now. Save up to 30% by buying them early with TixBag. You won't want to miss this opportunity to see On The on the Border live in concert!

How to Buy Cheap 2023 On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Tickets?

For Eagles Tribute Concerts, they range from $25-$75 depending on how close to the stage your seats are. In addition, if you're looking for general admission tickets (which means that you won't have assigned seats), then prices start at just $10 per person;

When Is the Next On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute concert?

The Eagles Tribute Concert is coming to the venue of your choice! This event will be a night to remember. You are going to love hearing all those classic songs from the 70s and 80s that you know and love. The band playing is On the Border, an Eagles tribute band with a lot of experience in performing live shows for audiences just like you.

Will On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Tour in 2023?

The Eagles Tribute Concert at On the Border, Virginia Beach, Texas was amazing. The band played flawlessly and were able to get the audience on their feet with singing along to all of their favorite songs from "Take It Easy" to "The Long Run." If you're looking for an evening out this summer that will be full of laughter and good music, then this is it!

On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Floor Seats

Are you ready for some On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute? If so, come out to the On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Floor Seats on Saturday, November 24th (doors open at 7pm) and sing along with all of your favorite tunes. This group has been playing these songs live since 1976! You will be able to hear everything from "Take it Easy" to "Desperado." Tickets are $25 in advance or $30 at the door.

Are On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Tickets Sold Out?

Even for popular Rock events like On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute concerts, the TixBag ticket marketplace usually has tickets.

When do On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Tickets Go on Sale 2023?

On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute concert tickets 2023 are on sale now at TixBag.

On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Tour Dates and Ticket Prices

On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute Tour Dates will be displayed below for any announced 2023 On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute tour dates. For all available tickets and to find shows near you, scroll to the listings at the top of this page.

Top Rock Tour Tickets Available Now

If you're a On the Border - The Ultimate Eagles Tribute fan and a Rock lover in general, check out tickets for some of the top Rock acts who have recently announced tours: